Lipedema and treatment: I always wondered why my legs were different from those of my girlfriends

Do you also suffer from sore legs? Are your legs out of proportion compared to your upper body. And do sports or diets hardly seem to do anything for your legs? Then it could just be that you have lipedema. But how do you know exactly if someone has lipedema, I hear you think. With the information below I can help you solve a number of questions (which I also had).

What does lipedema mean?

Lipedema literally means, fat-fluid accumulation. But it is mainly fat accumulation. The drainage of fluid via the lymphatic vessels does not work optimally, resulting in a subcutaneous accumulation of fat and fluid. You can see this especially on the buttocks, hips, legs and arms. And the fat is inflamed, which causes a lot of pain. We call this low-grade inflammation.


Now you are probably wondering what exactly low-grade inflammation is. It’s a mild form of inflammation. This inflammation originated from an activation of the local immune system. This form of inflammation does not stop and therefore it continues to cause problems, unlike a healthy inflammatory response in your body.

What causes Lipedema?

The exact cause of lipedema is not yet known. But that something is going wrong in the basic biochemistry of predominantly women, that is clear. Something goes wrong somewhere in the metabolism: fat is not burned, but it is stored. With all its consequences.


Apart from something going wrong somewhere in the metabolism, the process arises and worsens under the influence of hormones. During puberty, through the pill or pregnancy. It’s a progressive condition. The severity of the condition thus increases over time. Lipedema often starts on the hips, but will later spread through the thighs to the ankles. It is therefore important to start lipedema therapy as early as possible.


Lipedema is not the end of the world! I mean that!

Because I also have lipedema myself, I know how extremely painful it can be. And that it also has a psychological impact on women with lipedema. But know that there are options that can greatly ease the pain, for example. Let me explain the treatment options we offer. This absolutely changed my life.

Quadrivas Therapy: a lipedema treatment massage

The Quadrivas Therapy is a lipedema treatment that has shown amazing results for stage 01 & stage 02 lipedema. You can see it as a very intensive lipedema massage. This therapy appeals to your body’s own strength, so that the body can resume its normal functioning. Thanks to the Quadrivas treatments I was able to move again myself. It has helped me a lot to get rid of my pain. More information about how the Quadrivas Therapy works can be found in the top menu under ‘Treatments’.


icoone® treatment

The icoone® is a device that provides a mechanical connective tissue massage. The treatments of the icoone® are painless. That is why we use the icoone®, for example, in women whose pain is too bad to start with Quadrivas therapy. For example, we prepare you for the intensive lipedema therapy Quadrivas with a pain-free treatment method. In addition, the icoone® is used for women whose weight is above the limit of 115 kilos. It is then too difficult for us as therapists to physically approach the problem. It is important that you also lose weight, so that you can switch to Quadrivas therapy over time. Of course we can guide you through this by, among other things, thoroughly looking at your diet. Treatment for lipedema legs in heavy stages is therefore possible. More information about our icoone® treatments can be found in the top menu under ‘Treatments’.


The right nutrition for your body

Anyone who follows me on social media or who is undergoing treatment with me knows how important I think it is that we feed our bodies with the right food. The body of a woman with lipedema often has a hard time. The storage of fat triggers our immune system, causing permanent inflammation in the legs and arms, among other things. Hence the so recognizable pain complaints. It is therefore important that you support your body with nutritious food. Food that does not require all kinds of extra processes from our body to be able to process it. That’s why I opt for a completely plant-based diet. A so-called ‘Whole Foods, Plant Based diet’. More information about nutrition can be found in the top menu under ‘LifeStyle’.


Read my personal lipedema story

Read all about my personal story with lipedema and how I use this experience as a lipedema coach.

My lipedema story

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